Victory is in sight.

Looking left, looking right
Always looking for the light that’s bright.
Looking up, reaching high
Never give up, while there’s time to try.
Looking forward, looking ahead
Negative thoughts are not in my head.
Hanging tough for all it’s worth
Finding my way upon this earth.
Being our best is all we can be
That’s the goal for all to see.
Don’t settle for less than being your best
Good things to do, no time to rest.
Shooting straight and aiming high
Gonna get there, gotta try.
Wherever we start’s a shot in the dark
Can’t let that stop us from leaving our mark.
Life’s a race on a circular track
Keep on keeping on and never look back.
It’s about stretching and being bold
Always be reaching and going for gold.
Play by the rules and ring the bell
Play the game and do it well.
Share the credit, spread the fame
Live life large, and carry the flame.
Climb the hill and chase the light
It’s just ahead and shines so bright.
No worry, no waiting and no fear
Victory’s in sight and it’s really near.

December 29, 2020
DY: In Just a Few Words is a blog that comes out when something needs to be said or every Tuesday - whichever comes first. Davis Young is a communications professional who adds 50+ years of experience and perspective to issues of the day. His emphasis in DY: In Just a Few Words will be humor (a touch of sarcasm here, a pinch of facetiousness there...). Once in a while, he will touch on something a bit more serious - but hopefully not too deep or depressing.
This blog is a product of DY Author & Speaker LLC. Feel free to quote content with attribution. Respond. Agree. Disagree. Share the content with your friends. Heck - even invite him as a speaker for your group! Enjoy!
Such a positive shot in the arm! Happy New Year to you and Karen. Thanks, Davis.